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Adding/removing teachers

New users can be added by using the “Add New User” button, and adding users one by one by filling in the available fields.

To assign specific subjects and grades to the newly added teacher, click on Manage Allotments, then click on Add New Allotment, assign the desired allotment to the user and click on Create Allotment at the bottom right of the page to save.
Note: To give admin rights to a user, simply select the “Coordinator” role.

Click on the computer name.
Allow permission to record audio.
Click on the Start Now button.

Your mobile screen should be visible in the LetsView application on your computer. You can share that same window over screen sharing in any video conferencing platform (e.g., Zoom, Google Meet, or MS Teams). Don’t forget to also share computer sound!
Please note: Sometimes the window with the mobile screen will appear behind the LetsView application. Minimize the LetsView window to find it.