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How to download and install the XSEED SuperTeacher App
The video and the step-by-step instructions will guide you to download and install the XSEED SuperTeacher app on your smartphone.
Go to in your mobile browser. Don’t access this from a computer (desktop/laptop); you need to access it from your mobile phone so that you can install the app there directly.

Click the “FREE Download Now” button.

Fill in your details (name, email, country code, and mobile number). Ensure you provide a valid email address and mobile number.
Choose the role which describes you best, and click the “Submit” button.

You will be redirected to the download page. Click on the “Google Play” button if you are using an Android phone.
You will be taken to the SuperTeacher App in Google Play store. Click on the “Install” button to download and install the app on your phone.

If you are an iPhone user, click on the “App Store” button to install the app on your iPhone.
Once the installation is complete, you will find the app installation on your phone’s home screen.