10 years ago

XSEED School of Tomorrow Conference 2014, Delhi

Held on 23rd August at the JW Mariott Hotel, Aerocity, the XSEED School of Tomorrow Conference in Delhi focused on some pragmatic solutions and provocative ideas on how to re-invent schools for the future. The conference brought together leading experts from international universities, national foundations and leading schools.

Through keynote addresses, research presentations and panel discussions the conference addressed practical issues relevant to schools like

  • What kind of skills and abilities should schools prepare their students to make them competitive in the future?
  • What role can school leadership play in building institutional capability, academic quality and reputation?
  • How can mainstream schools balance the demands of parents, regulators and market while delivering quality learning?
  • What does quality look like inside and outside the classroom and how to sustain it over time?

About XSEED School of Tomorrow Conference

The XSEED School of Tomorrow (SOT) Conference brings together a panel of thinking and creative leaders from all walks of life to share provocative ideas and practicable solutions that can seriously impact school quality.